Hunger is a mood unstabilizer

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Hunger is a mood unstabilizer

One cause of my migraines/headaches is hunger. If I don't eat a scheduled meal, there is a high chance that I will pay for it with some sort of headache. Even eating before I have the headache but after the scheduled time doesn't help. Actually, I think it's eating after I was hungry that triggers the headache. It's a vicious circle.

I've always wished for a pill that I could take regularly in lieu of food. Now, don't get me wrong, I like food. It's just that food tends to cause drastic mood swings in me. It's not consistent, and I can't predict when and how it will happen, but once it does, I feel terrible: either grouchy and miserable, or headachey and hiding under the covers. Either way, it's awful for me and those around me.

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