Of Time Spent Away From You

Friday, December 19, 2003

Tree limbs dipped to find you,

Plucked from racing streams;

I doubted an elfin woman would capture me,

I long questioned the sway of all women.

And yet, evidence of perseverance thrives

Encasing and lifting me from my bemused shape.

Moons pass overhead as heavens rise,

Illuminating my solid mask, it fractures.

Green daffodils surround us presently,

Sands and suns boil a salmon's call.

Field's littered, corrupted by space, await us,

Stumbling and raising hair for summer.

Sliding across an icy rhythm we wait;

Descending across tears dried crusty brown;

What becomes of our travails?

The same can be said of our distance.

 Houston, TX | , ,