jack of many trades
Just some random thoughts I had as I was walking to my car after another terribly depressing afternoon of work. I need to chose one thing to be good at. My Jack of Many Trades is not working that well. If I want to be a phenomenal programmer, so be it. If I want to write, then write. If I want to start a business relating to computers, then you know the path to that. If I want to practice law, then practice law. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a lazy man. I need to get over this laziness and choose something.
While I bitch and complain that I’ve not chosen anything, the truth is, I’ve not wanted to choose anything. I’ve taken the easy paths. It’s time for me to make a decision. To say: this is what I want to do, and I’m going to do it. And then follow through. Not program for a couple of days, and then get bored of it and stop. Or be dedicated to my law job, only to follow that with an afternoon of reading internet sites.
When I write, I need to plan more. I’m not good at sitting in front of a computer and imaging things. If I need to plan it out with someone else, then do that. But stop pretending to write on inspiriation, and then find that besides the inspiration, there’s nothing there. If I want to program, then I need to aspire to greater things (my biggest problem with programming). As for law, I’m not sure I could ever find the proper enthusiasm for that.
Lots of options. It’s time I stepped up and made a decision and actually followed through and did the work necessary to actually implement that decision.
That’s all I was thinking about (besides punching walls). This is Mork. Over and out.