I was so close

Monday, June 22, 2009
I was so close

Over the past two weeks, I attempted to install ethernet cables from the router (middle of the second floor) to (1) the computer room (far end of second floor), and (2) the TV room (opposite side from computer room on first floor). This involved climbing up into the monster-infested attic, and crawling around while trying to avoid falling through the ceiling.

Sunday was the penultimate day. I had already given up on wiring the computer room, and settled on just wiring the router through the attic to the downstairs xbox. You know, for the kids.

I had cut a hole in the wall in the TV room to receive the wire, and a smaller hole in the attic to send the wire downstairs. Not surprisingly, the wire did not get past the second floor. I made another hole in the second-floor bedroom (which is above the TV room) and after much trial and error, snaked a trial rope from the attic to that hole.

All that was left was to drill a hole from the second floor to the first floor and send the rope down to the first floor. What I failed to realize (until the bitter end) was that the wood under the second floor is six inches thick. After two runs to the hardware store, and getting the drill bit stuck twice (you think I'd learn after the first time), I decided to give in. I was so close yet so far.

I spent the rest of the day attempting to patch up holes: in the bedroom I made a nice 6"x6" hole in my attempts to drill and my more diligent attempts to get the drill bit out of the floor holes. I also managed to put a smaller hole through the wall on the stairs (other side of the bedroom wall when drilling diagonally down--I knew there was trouble when I saw the light).

I ran out of drywall patches, and I decided to cover up the TV room hole with an ethernet plate to make it look like I succeeded. I just have to remember not to plug anything into it.

Final Score

Villa: 4 (holes)

David: 0 (ethernet cables)

 Mercer Island, WA | , ,