The cape isn't necessary, but it sure is fun

Late post today. The rain and cold returned to Seattle with a vengeance (I didn't realize there was an A in vengeance). I think its trying to get back at us for escaping to the warm sun of Hawaii. I can't believe we were there on Sunday. It feels like it was a long time ago.
Chuck has agreed to restart our ping-pong short story "contest." This is where one of us sends the other a story idea, and the watches (with sadistic glee) while the other writes a story based on the story idea usually within the month (or was it a week? I forget). We played rock-paper-scissor and I won (or lost, as Chuck looks at it): I get to serve first and deliver him a story idea. I still haven't come up with the appropriate idea, but it should be ready by this weekend. That means I'll be writing a new short story next month. While I'm excited to start writing again, I'm a bit nervous about actually doing it. What if it comes out like the Marathon?
This Super Little Guy horrible wasn't as good as my others. I don't particularly like the city or the building colors (they're backwards: the buildings further back should be darker)--but I'm too lazy to fix it. You should see the terrible horrible I doodled today. I still haven't returned to form after a week away.