Wise Words and Random Thoughts

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Samer (Tamer's uncle) had wise words: When a couple goes through a rough time, it's more difficult on the people around them. While the couple may work it out, all the negative and hurtful things that the couple tells their friends and family about their partner remains. The friends and family remember the negative aspects and because they love the person. It takes them a long time to forgive the partner for hurting their friend. The couple may get back together with no problems--"a blowjob and everyone is happy."

Random Thoughts:

Poetry seems easier these days. It requires less concentration, less effort. Is that a reason to do something? because it's easy? Even now, I think of putting the pen down and uncovering oblivion.

Depression has been a stranger lately.

Titles create distance. Parents in public have problems dealing with non-parents. They're used to being the boss, and that changes when not dealing with their children.

Max is in awe of wealthy women. "Marry rich," he tells his friends. "It's a lotto ticket I can invest in."

Michael Chabon's "Spiderman II" disappointed me a bit. I'm not sure what I was hoping for.

Stories: You need to tell stories that interest you. You've been focusing on stories with a plot that you've come up with based on your past experiences. Why does the teacher not interest you? It does, but I want something to happen. Things rarely happen in your stories.

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