"You know you want to join me"

I do, I really do! We're almost out of video games. We're scraping the bottom of the console. There's not much we want to play. We've played through Horde mode on Gears of War II too many times, hitting the ceiling at level 40. It looks unlikely we'll make it to 50 unless we find a fourth person. We gave up on Warhammer Online a couple of months ago. We talked about going through Halo 3 again--although that seems tiring. We need a good sword and sorcery game, something that lets us level up and keel the bad guys with large lightning bolts; preferably one with nice outfits for the Doolies.
After a bad start yesterday morning, I evened out after a dose of Advil and a small cup of coffee along with our delicious Crepes. I even managed to make a new chicken recipe for dinner. It turns out not all beer is the same in chicken stews.