You'd think I could be all things to all people

Did you notice something missing from this doodle? That's right, no little guy. I was in one of my base-this-on-a-photo moods, and I found this turtle pic from NYC. I was about halfway done before I realized there was no place for the little guy. Even though it breaks my normal approach, I decided to post anyway. Be assured, the little guy is very sad.
The dogs received their final training on the invisible fence yesterday. We haven't let them out unsupervised yet, but it's only a matter of time. I was talking with Steven before, and I was explaining how the dog room has transformed our lives: We are no longer prisoners in our own home. While this wasn't exactly how we felt in the Castle, there was a sense that the dogs were everywhere, even when fenced into the kitchen, partially because of Ziggy's pee being everywhere, but also because we could hear them where ever we were in the Castle. We still hear Ziggy's occassional whines in the kitchen, but once you move beyond that, it's beautiful silence. Now I'm not saying we moved because of the dogs, but I will say it was on our top five list.